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Dr. Micaela's journals and courses transformed my life! As a person struggling to find a starting point to healing,  these products brought clarity, healing and empowerment in less time than I imagined. Grateful beyond words!

Sha'Liah J.
- Mom and Full-Time Nurse

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A journal for women wanting to shift and grow their mindset with gratitude and mental alignment!

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Navigating the ebbs and flows of our emotions, especially when faced with anxiety and depression, requires a safe space for reflection. 

This journal is designed to offer just that—a simplified, straightforward approach to capture the nuances of your daily emotional journey. Instead of delving into long narratives, this journal embraces quick notes—short, impactful reflections that act as windows into your inner world. 

These brief entries serve as touch points, helping you recognize patterns, triggers, and moments of relief. Whether you're identifying a specific feeling, jotting down an external event that shifted your mood, or highlighting a coping strategy, this journal adapts to your needs. Every entry, regardless of its length, is a step toward greater self-awareness and understanding. 

Mindful Moments Journal$17

  • Total payment
  • 1xMindful Moments Journal$17

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